Запчасти для мини экскаватора модели EC55B, Volvo Construction Equipment
На этой странице представлен выбор узлов (подсистем) для мини экскаватора модели EC55B которые можно увидеть в левой колонке.
Тип:Мини экскаватор
Выберите из раскрывающегося списка
систем необходимую подсистему.
Список подсистем:
32678 Стеклоочиститель лобового стекла (ветрового)
32680 Стеклоочиститель лобового стекла (ветрового)
33278 Шайба лобового стекла (ветрового)
106799 Cable harness, engine
33280 Cables, battery
34235 Cable harnesses, cab
34237 Cable harnesses, cab
59212 Cable and wire harness, main
94053 Cable and wire harness, instrument panel
27998 Cassette radio recorder with mounting details
27999 Cassette radio recorder with mounting details
36335 Swing gearbox
36337 Pump gearbox with assembling parts
91006 Pump gearbox with assembling parts
94001 Travel gearbox
32572 Swing motor with mounting parts
32573 Поворотный редуктор (Гидромотор поворота платформы)
36338 Travel motor with mounting parts
97424 Гидромотор хода
33241 Undercarriage, track with shoes
33242 Undercarriage, track with shoes
33243 Undercarriage, track guards
33245 Undercarriage, spring package
34453 Top roller
34462 Bottom roller
34729 Bottom roller
34730 Звездочка
52534 Ленивец (Направляющее колесо гусеницы), передний
106272 Cab mount
34457 Operator's cab
34731 Operator's cab
52535 Operator's cab
99246 Operator's cab
103377 Air conditioning unit line
34860 Air duct in cabin and cabin floor
49211 Air duct in cabin and cabin floor
101360 Decal, inner location
101361 Decal, outer location
75101 Decal, inner location
76350 Decal, outer location
32151 Turning joint line, control valve to turning joint
32152 Turning joint line, turning joint to travel motor
34611 Hydraulic system, control valve to boom and swing
34620 Hydraulic system, hydraulic tank to hydraulic oil cooler
35952 Гидробак
64992 Working hydraulic, dozer blade
78536 Hydraulic system, control valve to boom and swing
79888 Hydraulic system, hydraulic tank to hydraulic pump
81787 Hydraulic system, control valve to boom and swing
50924 Main control valve, boom 1 and bucket and dipper arm 2 and outlet.
59405 Main control valve, boom 1 and bucket and dipper arm 2 and outlet.
78691 Control valve with fitting parts.
78708 Control valve with fitting parts.
83455 Main control valve, inlet and boom and boom swing
90775 Main control valve, inlet and boom and boom swing
91533 Main control valve, travel straight forward and dipper arm 1 and boom 2.
91545 Main control valve, travel Lh and mid inlet and travel Rh
93950 Main control valve, travel straight forward and dipper arm 1 and boom 2.
94279 Main control valve, travel Lh and mid inlet and travel Rh
94956 Control valve with fitting parts.
10327 Servo system, control valve to remote control valve
10328 Servo system, control valve to remote control valve
12957 Servo system, remote control valve
12959 Servo system, remote control valve
32273 Servo system, changing lever function
32275 Servo system, changing lever function
34628 Servo system, control valve to solenoid valve and swing motor.
94193 Servo system, breaker and crusher
99138 Servo system, remote control valve
34596 Working hydraulic, dipper arm cylinder on boom.
34613 Working hydraulic, dipper arm rupture
34898 Working hydraulic, dipper arm cylinder on boom.
34900 Working hydraulic, dipper arm cylinder on boom.
34901 Working hydraulic, boom rupture
34902 Working hydraulic, boom cylinder
34903 Working hydraulic, dipper arm rupture
34904 Working hydraulic, dipper arm rupture
34905 Working hydraulic, hammer and shear for boom
34906 Working hydraulic, hammer and shear for boom
34907 Working hydraulic, hammer and shear for boom
35293 Working hydraulics, grab system on upper
35294 Working hydraulics, grab system on work equipment
41416 Working hydraulic, hammer and shear for upper
94184 Working hydraulics, grab system on upper
94304 Working hydraulic, clamshell
94951 Working hydraulic, boom rupture
95207 Working hydraulic, boom rupture
95224 Working hydraulic, clamshell
34604 Attachment bracket, quickfit
35288 Quikfit hydraulic on attachment. Double - acting
35296 Quikfit hydraulic on attachment. Single - acting
35297 Quikfit hydraulic on attachment. Double - acting
35298 Quikfit hydraulic on attachment. Double - acting
35300 Quikfit hydraulic on attachment. Double - acting
35301 Quikfit hydraulic on attachment. Double - acting
72279 Quikfit hydraulic on upper. Double - acting
72349 Quikfit hydraulic on upper. Double - acting
78484 Quikfit hydraulic on upper. Single - acting
68858 Лезвие отвала (аутригера)
74426 Лезвие отвала (аутригера)
78437 Гидроцилиндр отвала
79090 Гидроцилиндр отвала
101246 Boom and grease piping
104251 Boom and grease piping
38820 Links to boom
39072 Links to boom
39073 Links to boom
64655 Гидроцилиндр стрелы
64946 Гидроцилиндр стрелы
64948 Гидроцилиндр стрелы
64949 Гидроцилиндр стрелы
96452 Links to boom
97986 Links to boom
99759 Links to boom
19447 Dipper arm and grease piping with piping seat
19453 Dipper arm and grease piping with piping seat
3749 Links to connecting rod
3774 Links to connecting rod
4581 Links to dipper arm
4584 Links to dipper arm
6032 Цилиндр ковша
61644 Dipper arm cylinder
61645 Dipper arm cylinder
68062 Dipper arm and grease piping with piping seat
68283 Dipper arm and grease piping with piping seat
69451 Links to dipper arm
71591 Dipper arm and grease piping with piping seat