Запчасти для погрузчика колесного модели L120F, Volvo Construction Equipment
На этой странице представлен выбор узлов (подсистем) для погрузчика колесного модели L120F которые можно увидеть в левой колонке.
Тип:Погрузчик колесный
Выберите из раскрывающегося списка
систем необходимую подсистему.
Список подсистем:
101122 Fuel pump
104495 Фильтр топливный
13708 Фильтр топливный
15385 Сепаратор влагоотделителя
50936 Filter with fitting parts
20230 Фильтр воздушный
77792 Air filter.
86862 Oil bath air cleaner
89916 Air filter with fitting parts
20261 Radiator with fitting parts
22318 Радиатор
22319 Expansion tank with fitting parts
77882 Coolant drainage
82422 Система охлаждения
101836 Reversible fan
20908 Fan shroud
20916 Гидромотор
20923 Клапан
20924 Belt transmission
22324 Fan
25192 Pump drive power take-off
33624 Reversible fan
33625 Reversible fan
103346 Alternator with assembling details
17097 Alternator with assembling details
17101 Alternator, 80A.
18611 Back-up warning unit
18621 Revolving warning light.
18625 Revolving warning light.
18634 Rotating beacon.
100206 Cable harness, detent, 3rd hydraulic function
104249 Cable harness, rear
104490 Cable harness, fire extinguishing system, cab
104491 Cable harness, fire extinguishing system, cab
106903 Cable Harness, return to dig
11190 Cable harnesses, servo valve.
15080 Cable harness, electrical distrib. unit - engine
15547 Cable harnesses, telematics
15595 Cable harnesses, single lever control.
16908 Cable harness, radiator
16957 Cable harness, windshield washer
16964 Cable harnesses, servo valve.
16965 Cable harnesses, servo valve.
17941 Cable harness for operator seat with heating
17942 Cable harness, 20A voltage converter
17956 Wire harness, single-acting lift function
17957 Electrical system, parking brake alarm
17958 Cable harness, fire extinguishing system, cab
17959 Battery cable and main switch
19561 Cable harnesses, single lever control.
20764 Cable harness, climate unit
24367 Cable harness, alternator
24368 Rear cable harness with assembly parts
33769 Cable harness, front
41185 Cable harness, secondary steering system.
42376 Cable harness, electricaldistrib. unit - engine E-ECU
50613 Cable harness, front
54968 Cable harness, compressor
58401 Cable harness air cleaner, cab
62026 Cable harness, heating fuel filter
62027 Cable harness, boom suspension system.
62028 Cable harness battery disconnector in cab
65268 Cable harnesses, cab
66989 Cable harness, CDC steering
66990 Cable harness, front
74498 Cable harness, engine
81747 Cable harness, four-lever el.hydraulic servo
82376 Cable harness, front
82503 Cable harness, alternator
82513 Cable harness, ceiling with radio
82715 Cable harness, ceiling
82907 Cable harness, three-lever el.hydraulic servo
84490 Cable harness, el.hydraulic servo
88127 Cable harness for optional placement of work lights
88192 Cable harness, el.hydraulic servo
88202 Cable harness, circulation pump
88210 Cable Harness, return to dig
88933 Cable harness, under cab
89226 Cable harness for transmission
89478 Cable harness for CDC-steering in cab
89957 Battery cable and main switch
92596 Cable harness, electrical distribution unit
99857 Cable harness, fire suppression system
100434 Instrument panel
105973 Rocker switch panel
15577 Rocker switch panel
4958 Air cond. control panel
105374 Voltage converter and cable harness for radio.
105378 Voltage converter and cable harness for radio.
57353 Radio kit
101253 Hydraulic transmission with fitting parts
106256 Repair kit for transmission
24080 Ventilation for transmission
70801 Testing block
87306 Oilfiller
102070 Hydraulic clutch, 3rd / 4th speed
102327 Oil distributor and tube
103511 Converter housing, gears and shafts
12614 Фильтр масляный
17372 Lubricating oil valve
18837 Range selector valve
48785 Lubricating oil valve with fitting parts
63465 Hydraulic clutch, reverse / 2nd speed
84784 Range selector valve with fitting parts
98937 Hydraulic clutch, forward / 1 st speed
17617 Вал карданный
17621 Вал карданный
17637 Вал карданный
63237 Propeller shafts with fitting parts
22552 German version
43892 Brake lines, footbrake valve - axles
63466 Трубки тормозные переднего и заднего моста
65303 Brake line, valve body - accumulators - accumulator - footbrake valve
92706 Трубки тормозные переднего и заднего моста
22569 Oil cooler, forword, pump circuit.
22570 Oil cooler, rear, motor circuit.
22571 Oil cooler, rear, pump circuit.
89930 Oil cooler, forword, motor circuit.
104493 Steering column with fitting parts
22588 Steering wheel and column
351 Steering column with fitting parts
102416 Рулевая система
13343 Steering system, pressure and return lines
22593 Hydraulic cylinder with fitting parts
22594 Гидроцилиндр
22595 Steering unit
75843 Shift valve
92568 Рулевая система
94203 Рулевая система
22596 Secondary steering system.
22597 Pump unit.
22598 Pressure monitor.
50685 Secondary steering system.
16423 Bottom-guard plates
16442 Protecting plates
16450 Protecting plates
16454 Protecting plates
16456 Protection, brake pipes
16457 Protecting plates
49701 Belly guard, rear.
55004 Belly guard, front.
65304 Radiator, kylare.
82366 Protection for lighting.
61811 Решетка радиатора
66660 Корпус радиатора и решетка
67458 Protecting plates
82415 Radiator casing
38431 Operator's seat, heated, air suspensioned.
58279 Operator seat with fitting parts
60095 Operator's seat, ISRI.
60096 Operator's seat, ISRI.
83172 Operator seat with fitting parts
88287 Operator seat with fitting parts
91016 Operator seat with fitting parts
93996 Operator's seat, heated, air suspensioned.
23674 Windshild guard for windshield.
23683 Hub protection
57846 Windshild guard for windshield.
93379 Window guards, side and rear windows.
104248 Air filter.
23685 Air distribution
24634 Air ducts
50687 Air ducts
59545 Air ducts
65754 Air filter.
75130 Air filter.
86933 Fresh air inlet, air filter and fan housing.
90719 Fresh air inlet, air filter and fan housing.
94515 Fresh air inlet, air filter and fan housing.
97011 Fresh air inlet, air filter and fan housing.
100336 Evaporator for cooling agent R134a with fitting parts.
39314 Condenser for cooling agent R134a with fitting parts.
92383 Assembly of hose: evaparator, receiver drier and condenser.
95720 Compressor for cooling agent R134a with fitting parts.
101101 Release mechanism
105476 Interior equipment, cab
15857 Lunch box holder
24369 Anti-theft
37194 Armrest
37204 Cover for servo valves
50048 Interior components, sun blinds.
93007 Foldable armrest for four-lever el.hydraulic servo system
94885 Foldable armrest for two-lever el.hydraulic servo system
97235 Foldable armrest for three-lever el.hydraulic servo system
97293 CDC - steering, arm rest with fitting parts
98061 CDC - steering, foldable arm rest
49702 German version
58280 LGF - sign.
61403 Sign plates and decals
68461 Sign plates and decals
71417 Illustrations of sign plates and decals
75748 Sign plates and decals
102034 Hydraulic system, return line
104294 Oil cooler with hoses
16212 Гидробак
16213 Suction line, tank - pump
18853 Hydraulic system, feed line
20852 Drainage line, control valve
33626 Feed line, pump - central block
33627 Hydraulic system: valve block - connection block
58263 Hydraulic system, lift function
74834 Pr. check connection, hydr. valve
77604 Hydraulic system, return line
81418 Hydraulic oil tank, with fitting parts
97311 Hydraulic system, tilt function
21139 Valve body: Central block
51363 Клапан регулирующий (распределительный)
58267 Control valve with fitting parts.
76585 Клапан регулирующий (распределительный)
77065 Клапан регулирующий (распределительный)
80295 Клапан регулирующий (распределительный)
87242 Клапан регулирующий (распределительный)
98593 Клапан регулирующий (распределительный)
103551 Hydraulic pump with fitting parts
21142 Гидронасос (основной насос)
35220 Гидронасос (основной насос)
97697 Гидронасос (основной насос)
21990 Servo valve with fitting parts.
22172 Control valve.
22317 Control lines
36990 Servo valve with fitting parts
37206 Servo - hydraulic
60154 Valve, "return to dig"
71419 Servo - hydraulic, hydraulic lines
75924 Servo valve, single levercontrol
99279 Servo valve
21669 Клапан
2377 Relief valve.
72661 Hydraulic function, 3rd and 4th for Long Boom
78205 Boom suspension system
78527 Hydraulic Control 3rd-4th
78546 Hydraulic Control 3rd-4th
82435 Hydraulic system for attachment bracket.
94977 Relief valve.
100680 Bucket positioner and boom kickout
101507 Гидроцилиндр (цилиндр) подъемный
104150 Hydraulic cylinder, tilting
104247 Lifting framework with assembly parts
104487 Extended lube points for lift arm system
104488 Forward links with assembly parts
104496 Rear links with assembly parts
23176 Assemble attachment bracket.
23178 Bucket positioner and boom kickout
23189 Hose protection, lift cylinder
83645 Extended lube points for lift arm system
91864 Гидроцилиндр подъемный и толкающий с запасными частями
101933 Fire suppression system
23191 Fire suppression system
23207 Fire suppression system
65305 Fire suppression system
65306 Fire suppression system
96383 Fire suppression system
104489 Central lubrication.
104494 Central lubrication.
14022 Central lubrication, tool bar
27585 Central lubrication, tool bar.
55709 Central lubrication for tool bar.
87246 Central lubrication.
87497 Central lubrication.
93457 Central lubrication.
93464 Distribution block, B4
94039 Distribution block, B1
94587 Distribution block, B2.
94913 Central lubrication.
95238 Central lubrication.
95307 Central lubrication with fitting parts. B1
95507 Pump:central lubrication
95509 Distribution block, B3
95953 Central lubrication.
96204 Central lubrication with fitting parts. B4
96213 Central lubrication with fitting parts. B3