Запчасти для экскаватора-погрузчика модели BL70 S/N 11489 -, Volvo Construction Equipment
На этой странице представлен выбор узлов (подсистем) для экскаватора-погрузчика модели BL70 S/N 11489 - которые можно увидеть в левой колонке.
Выберите из раскрывающегося списка
систем необходимую подсистему.
Список подсистем:
10100 Cable harness rear valve block
12144 Cable harness, engine
12147 Cable harness chassis
20114 Cable Harness cab int. roof
31616 Cable harness, Loader Quick Attach
34622 Cable harness heater and air conditioning
44653 Cable harness, hand tool hydraulic
44654 Cable harness
44655 Cable harness, fuel filling pump
44656 Cable harness, Loader Quick Attach
46953 Other cables in cab, AC and rear windshield wiper motor
46956 Cable harness, hand tool hydraulic
60449 Cable and switch for rear horn
66136 Cable Harness cab int. roof
70868 Cable harness
81524 Cable harness, panel
81978 Cable harness, transmission.
81992 Cable harness, transmission.
82014 Cable harness, panel
82231 Cable harness, control panel right
83102 Battery cable and main switch
83451 Other cables, chassis
84791 Battery cable and main switch
87325 Cable harness to safety valve on boom
102028 Switch panel
104185 Instrument panel
44657 Anti-theft Kit
807 Foot switch and electric power outlet
808 Switch panel
38343 Oil filler and dipstick
44660 Насос масляный
44661 Насос масляный
44662 Clutch shaft forward/reverse
44663 Clutch shaft forward/reverse
44664 Reverse and primary shaft
44665 Reverse and primary shaft
44668 Gearshifting
44669 Клапан регулирующий (распределительный)
44670 Range selector valve
44671 Solenoid valve 4wd
46536 Secondary shaft
46537 Secondary shaft
46538 Axle, four-wheel drive
78863 Hydraulic clutch, 4wd
67740 Ступица колеса
68444 Шестерня
70070 Корпус дифференциала переднего моста
71738 Шестерня планетарная (сателлит)
72743 Ведущий мост
74196 Planetary axle, front
42408 Air conditioning
83213 Evaporator, assembly
92520 Assembly hoses: Evaparator, receiver drier, condenser.
19659 Cover for servo valves
42200 Cover for Pilot Excavator Controls
42413 Interior components
83659 Links with fitting parts
101376 Hydraulic system, boom
102509 Гидроцилиндр
105302 Hydraulic system, bucket
106206 Hydraulic system, hammer
106207 Hydraulics loader (lift & tilt)
106208 Hydraulic system, return line
106213 Hydraulic system, suction line
28452 Hydraulic system, loader
32446 Hydraulic system, stabiliser legs
37025 Hydraulic system, boom
37026 Hydraulic system dipper arm
42426 Pipes for hammer attachment
42429 Hydraulic system, loader
44577 Hydraulic system, excavator
77650 Гидробак
82142 Hydraulic system extendible dipper arm
83497 Радиатор масляной для гидравлики
100226 Valve section
101378 Loader controls
102063 Valve body with fitting parts
102093 Valve body with fitting parts
102325 Valve section
102339 Valve section
102348 Valve section
102360 Valve section
105916 Valve section
105969 Valve section
106209 Automatic self-level function
106555 Клапан регулирующий (распределительный)
106581 Valve section
106586 Valve section
106744 Valve section
106909 Valve section
19241 Pressure limiting valve
30665 Valve body
32692 Valve section
42834 Control valve with fitting parts.
44406 Pressure limiting valve
91779 Valve section
92318 Valve section
94490 Valve section
96482 Valve section
97769 Valve section
99584 Клапан регулирующий (распределительный)
102014 Joystick, incl. hoses and fittings
102023 Servo system, Excavator controls
104303 Servo system, Excavator controls
106210 Distribution valve
14495 Servo valve
101377 Optional hydraulic equipment
102087 Boom suspension system
46578 Optional hydraulic equipment
101379 Hydraulic attachment bracket digger
106212 Hydraulic attachment bracket digger
39843 Hydraulic cylinder, quick attachment
42438 Attachment bracket, mechanical
42440 Hydraulic attachment bracket digger
42441 Hydraulic attachment bracket
51296 Hydraulic attachment bracket
92547 Hydraulic attachment bracket
15151 Bucket, straight with teeth
16923 Bucket, straight with teeth
17121 Bucket, straight with teeth
42659 Bucket, straight lip without teeth
42679 Pins for mounting bucket
42680 Transport bracket without front bucket
49353 Bucket, straight with teeth
49354 Bucket, straight with teeth
49355 Bucket, straight with teeth
62344 Bucket, straight lip without teeth
63311 Multi-purpose bucket
63312 Multi-purpose bucket
64982 Bucket, straight with teeth
66265 Bucket, straight with teeth
1044 Fork arm
42684 Retainer for hammer
42688 Tools for hammer
47402 Pallet forks for quickfit
62408 Hammer
102240 Гидроцилиндр
102513 Гидроцилиндр
103504 Lifting framework with assembly parts
67948 Гидроцилиндр