Запчасти для асфальтоукладчика модели VB 88 GTC ATT. SCREEDS 3,0 -10,0M ABG6820, ABG7820/ABG7820B, Volvo Construction Equipment
На этой странице представлен выбор узлов (подсистем) для асфальтоукладчика модели VB 88 GTC ATT. SCREEDS 3,0 -10,0M ABG6820, ABG7820/ABG7820B которые можно увидеть в левой колонке.
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Список подсистем:
67917 Electrical installations for all basic and extandable screeds
69822 Gasheating Electric
70474 Gasheating Electric
72017 Gasheating Electric
72021 Gasheating Electric
72204 Gasheating Electric
75700 Gas heating electric for basic screed
69862 Distribution box on screed for EPM (Electronic Paver Management)
71009 Electric installation on screed for Epm
74854 Distribution box on screed for EPM (Electronic Paver Management)
67709 Final assembly on basic and extendable screeds
72024 Deflector for extension
72067 Cover plate for basic screed
72230 Deflector for basic screed
73950 Deflector for extension
75952 Deflector for basic screed
75986 Screed cover for extandable screed
71593 Support 550 for the external control panel, EPM
72047 Support 550 for the external control panel, EPM
67403 Hose kit
68309 Hose lines from connection block
70957 Hose kit
71140 Compilation of hydralics on basic and ext. screeds per version and width
71909 Hose-line, height-adjustment on extension
72496 Hydraulic crown adjustment/variomatic for basic and extandable screed
74504 Fitting holder for hight adjustment/extension
75351 Hose-kit, height-adjustment on basic and extandable screed
75420 Hose kit to connection block
75426 Hose lines from paver to connection block
75744 Hose kit for hydraulic crown adjustment on basic and extandable screed
76326 Hose lines from paver to connection block and solenoid valve
67816 Valve block for hydraulic crown adjustment
69445 Connection block on basic screed
73625 Valve block compl. with fittings for hydraulic crown adjustment
67955 Hydr. Motor with coupling for vibrator/basic and extendable screed
71893 Hydraulic motor with tamper coupling for extendable screed
67335 Basic screed
67900 Guide bushing for extandable screed
68227 Extendable screed
68328 Clamp set for extension
68448 Basic Range
68636 Compilation of basic screeds per version and working width
68838 Compilation of screed extensions per version and working width
68953 Clamp set for extension
69831 Extension set
70676 Extension
71225 Screed guide for basic screed
71567 Safety chain for basic screed
71590 Attaching screed for extension
71711 Attaching screed for extension
71744 Extension screed
72034 Extension
73947 Extendable screed
75076 Basic screed and crown control
75608 Extendable screed
76251 Mechanical screed holder for extandable screed
76290 Basic screed
76542 Basic screed
67419 Mounting parts for towing arms
67504 Towing arm behind
68141 Mounting parts-kit for towing arms
68372 Compilation of towing arms per version and working width
68377 Towing arms rear
71694 Mounting parts for towing arms
76043 Turnbuckle joint for towing arms
67726 Outside auger bearings for auger extension
68033 Auger extensions, Variomatic
68162 Auger extension, Variomatic
68343 Auger element for auger extension
68521 Side prop assembly for auger extension
68590 Auger shaft for auger extension
68616 Auger extension, Variomatic
68644 Auger extension 442
69449 Auger extension 442
69865 Outside auger bearings for auger extension
69868 Prop assembly for auger extension
70103 Auger element for auger extension
70190 Outer bearing support for auger extension
70690 Auger extension with outside bearings
70694 Auger extension
71938 Auger shaft 442 compl. for auger extension
72465 Brace assembly for auger extension
72738 Auger shaft for auger extension
74250 Auger shaft 1000 compl. for auger extension
74535 Auger extension 1000
74748 Compilation of auger extensions per version and working width
75158 Outer auger bearing for auger extension
75400 Prop assembly for auger extension
75404 Outside auger bearings for auger extension
76046 Auger intermediate parts for extension
92936 Auger extensions, Variomatic
94487 Adj. self-alignment support assembly for auger extension
98392 Outer auger bearing for auger extension
70673 Channel plate for extension
71240 Compilation of channel plates per version and working width
90778 Channel plate for extension
67526 Tamper drive shaft for extension
67677 Tamper drive shaft for tamper/basic screed
67781 Crank bearing arm for tamper/extendable screed
68347 Tamper drive shaft for extension
68507 Coupling kit for drive shaft
71411 Tamper set for extension
71548 Adjusting bearing housing for extension
71917 Tamper for basic screed
72051 Tamper screed for extension
73590 Adjustable bearing for tamper/extendable screed
73856 Tamper drive shaft for extendable screed
73926 Tamper screed for extension
73958 Tamper, gas heated, for basic screed
74780 Tamper set for extension
74805 Tamper drive shaft for tamper/basic screed
74822 Tamper set for basic screed
75390 Tamper screed for extension
67550 Vibrator shaft for extension
67712 Tamper screed for extension
67982 Tamper screed for extension
68361 Vib.-tamperscreed for extension
68515 Vibrator for extendable screed
70764 Vibrator shaft for extension
72778 Vibrator shaft for extension
73941 Vibrator for basic screed
75064 Vibrator shaft for basic screed
75934 Vib.-tamperscreed for basic screed
68280 Heated base plate for extension
68381 Heating screed for extension
70177 Gas burner for extension
70183 Heated base plate for extension
70223 Heated base plate for extendable screed
71889 Gas burner for extension
72449 Heated body for extendable screed
72454 Heating screed for extension
72791 Compilation of gas heating per version and width
73667 Gasbottle connection
75405 Heated screed plate for basic screed
76308 Heated body for basic screed
68195 Wearing Part
68905 Compilation of service wearing parts per version and width
70494 Gas bottle support for basic screed
71549 Mounting Set
67290 Drive shaft for hight adjustment/extendable screed
68932 Crown control for basic screed
69542 Hydr. height adjustment for extandable screed
70166 Drive shaft middle for hight adjustment/extendable screed
70752 Hydraulic height adjustment assembly on extandable screed
67693 Hydraulic hinged screed endplate assembly for flapable lateral limitation
67981 Hinged lateral limitation, holders
67996 Edging shoe for lateral limitation
69859 Hinged lateral limitation
69871 Bolt compl. For flapable lateral limitation
69902 Basic paving width reduction 0.5 m on lateral limitation
70102 Hydraulic flapable lateral limitation
70203 Lateral limitation
70827 Connection tube for flapable lateral limitation
71083 Edging shoe for lateral limitation
71125 Edging shoe for lateral limitation
71338 Adjusting spindle
71552 Hinged lateral limitation
71768 Lateral limitation
75946 Compilation of special equipment per screed version and working width
75977 Hinged lateral limitation
76037 Edging shoe for lateral limitation
76196 Edging shoe for lateral limitation
76279 Adjusting spindle
68080 Lubrication hose kit for extension
68880 Compilation of lubrication on basic and ext. screeds per version and width
69471 Grease-kit for basic screed
70078 Progressive manifold for basic and extandable screed
70101 Lubrication hose kit for extension
71330 Lubrication for extension
71360 Grease-kit for extandable screed
72039 Lubrication for extension
75327 Lubrication hose kit for extension
75430 Lubrication for extension
76310 Grease-kit for basic screed
99508 Screed lubrication for basic and extandable screed