Запчасти для асфальтоукладчика гусеничного модели OMNI 1001 ATT. SCREEDS 3,0 - 9,0M PF6110 PF6160/PF6170, Volvo Construction Equipment
На этой странице представлен выбор узлов (подсистем) для асфальтоукладчика гусеничного модели OMNI 1001 ATT. SCREEDS 3,0 - 9,0M PF6110 PF6160/PF6170 которые можно увидеть в левой колонке.
Тип:Асфальтоукладчик гусеничный
Выберите из раскрывающегося списка
систем необходимую подсистему.
Список подсистем:
93458 Distributorbox for extension
94361 Distributorbox for extandable screed
95251 Distributor box for extension
87490 Connection block on basic screed
93462 Fitting holder on basic screed
94366 Connection block on basic screed
94647 Valve block for towing arms
105382 Basic Range
87231 Electrical installations for all basic and extandable screeds
87243 Deflector plate for basic screed
87329 Basic screed
87483 Deflector for extension
91602 Heated body for extension
91605 Heated body for extension
91919 Heated body for extension
93099 Screed guide for basic screed
93121 Deflector for extension
93356 Compilation of basic screeds per version and working width
93472 Extendable screed
93474 Clamp set for extension
93955 Compilation of hydralics on basic and ext. screeds per version and width
94002 Clamp set for extension
94019 Heated body for extendable screed
94049 Extension screed
94397 Extendable screed
94399 Basic screed and crown control
94586 Extension
94911 Extension
94915 Extension
94970 Guide bushing for extandable screed
94975 Deflector plate for extandable screed
95244 Deflector for extension
95264 Compilation of screed extensions per version and working width
95292 Extendable screed
95498 Extension screed
95854 Extension
96200 Mechanical screed holder for extandable screed
96209 Extension screed
96227 Extension screed
87249 Steering unit for towing arms
94320 Cylinder assembly for towing arms
95210 Mounting parts for towing arms
95812 Compilation of towing arms per version and working width
93447 Clamping for mechanical control
93460 Mechanical control
94395 Mechanical control
94941 Spindle for mechanical control
95295 Hydr. height adjustment for extandable screed
96220 Mechanical control
93127 Drive shaft for hight adjustment/extendable screed
94945 Drive shaft middle for hight adjustment/extendable screed
91938 Compilation of channel plates per version and working width
93345 Channel plate for extension
94909 Channel plate for extension
87241 Vibrator for extendable screed
87337 Vibrator shaft for extension
93141 Vibrator valve assembly
93146 Vibrator for extension
94033 Vibrator shaft for extension
94306 Vibrator shaft for extendable screed
94316 Vibrator for basic screed
94396 Vibrator valve assembly
95872 Vibrator shaft for basic screed
96205 Vibrator shaft for extension
88700 Heated bar for extension
90225 Heated bar for extension
91183 Heated bar for basic screed
91603 Heated base plate for basic screed
91606 El. heating accessories for extension
91922 Electrical heating acces for extension
91929 Heating base plate for extension
93145 Heating base plate for extension
93147 Heating base plate for extension
93347 Heated body for basic screed
93352 Heated base plate for extendable screed
93943 Fitting with nozzle on heated body
94378 Heated base plate for basic screed
94584 Distributor for extension
94708 Electrical heating acces for extension
95290 Heated bar for extension
95327 Electrical heating accessories for basic and extandable screed
96194 Heated body for basic screed
91598 Adjusting spindle for lateral limitation
93449 Lateral limitation
93467 Heatable lateral limitation
93673 Compilation of special equipment per screed version and working width
95809 Adjusting spindle, front