Запчасти для погрузчика колесного модели L50 L50 S/N -6400/-60300 USA, Volvo Construction Equipment
На этой странице представлен выбор узлов (подсистем) для погрузчика колесного модели L50 L50 S/N -6400/-60300 USA которые можно увидеть в левой колонке.
Тип:Погрузчик колесный
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Список подсистем:
10436 Головка блока цилиндров
15389 Crankshaft balancing
15390 Опора двигателя и картер маховика
15845 Ремкомплект двигателя
15846 Valve mechanism
463 Двигатель в сборе
56297 Cylinder liner, piston and connecting rod
84903 Oil sump
98037 Блок цилиндров
99820 Timing gear casing and timing gears
10626 Feed pump
10627 Фильтр топливный
10628 Фильтр топливный
15396 Fuel lines and injectors
16690 Fuel injection pump with fitting parts
24892 Топливная система
469 Cold-starting device
63332 Форсунка топливная (инжектор)
66358 Топливный бак (бензобак)
75967 Centrifugal governor
90226 Насос
94432 Feed pump
10629 Фильтр воздушный
13031 Turbo-compressor.
13032 Turbo-compressor.
16693 Фильтр воздушный
17028 Crankcase ventilation
2880 Inlet manifold,
2881 Induction manifold.
36635 Inlet system.
67523 Turbo compressor with fitting parts.
68310 Air cleaner and shutter housing.
70993 Oil-bath filter.
81267 Выхлопная система
81339 Intercooler with fitting parts.
13034 Belt transmission
16698 Водяной насос
17032 Coolant filter.
36636 Radiator with fitting parts
40572 Water pump with thermostat
71358 Coolant filter.
85802 Система охлаждения
10383 Protection front lighting.
10386 Rotating beacon
16699 Headlamp
17036 Rotating beacon with fitting parts
43895 Lighting
52924 Lightning.
10387 Windscreen wiper, back-up warning unit, horn.
10390 Предпусковой подогреватель в сборе
10392 Handbrake alarm.
16706 Стеклоочиститель лобового стекла (ветрового)
17046 Back-up warning unit.
19753 Fan
3800 Шайба лобового стекла (ветрового)
3802 Starter element mountings
3811 Starter element mountings
15670 Electric system rear
15679 Distribution box with fitting parts
16418 Cable harnesses distribution box
16421 Electric system front
16431 Cable harness, oil pressure.
16464 Cable harnesses for automatic stop.
16474 Instrument.
16475 Instrument plate 2-path cables.
16476 Lever lock, 3-path el.details.
16477 Trailer contact.
24007 Relay.
24267 Instrument.
40584 Instrument plate 2-path cables.
40588 Equipment vv-version.
50502 Electrical system cab
56681 Instrument panel and instruments
62095 Instrument panel
63615 Cable harnesses distribution box
73783 Electrical distribution box
19765 Repair kit for transmission
22522 Hydraulic transmission with fitting parts
96254 Torque converter
19767 Clutch housing 8-speeds.
20027 Hydraulic clutch reverse and 4:th speeds.
23142 Hydraulic clutch forward/3:rd speeds.
23143 Hydraulic clutch rear/4:th speeds.
24273 Насос
24274 Clutch housing 4-speeds.
24275 Magnet valve
24276 Hydraulic clutch 1:st and 2:nd speeds.
33308 Hydraulic clutch forward/3:rd speeds.
36638 Converter housing with fitting parts
42628 Gear changing unit
70798 Air hoses transmission
76361 Hydraulic clutch 1:st and 2:nd speeds.
77645 Transfer case filler pipe
82385 Clutch housing with fitting parts
98867 Pressure limiting valve
20029 Вал карданный
20030 Вал карданный
24282 Propeller shafts with fitting parts
24283 Propeller shafts with fitting parts
24284 Вал карданный
24285 Вал карданный
24287 Вал карданный
24288 Вал карданный
102735 Final drive, front
16266 Final drive, front
20034 Driveshafts with assembly parts
59722 Planet shaft, front
59731 Planet shaft, front
59734 Planet shaft, rear
8873 Differential lock
95087 Final drive, rear
17770 Filter with fitting parts
18059 Brake system.
18064 Масляный бак
18065 Footbrake valve.
18067 Footbrake valve.
18068 Relief valve.
18069 Relief valve.
18074 Насос
23610 Footbrake valve with mountings
30727 Насос
35166 Brake system.
48394 Pump with fitting parts
67499 Double brake pedals.
70068 Oil tank with mountings.
71384 Manometer with fitting parts
73824 Oil tank with fitting parts.
99589 Valve with fitting parts
20462 Regulator
23621 Anti-freeze reservoir
31080 Compressor, regulator reservoir.
59272 Air compressor
71584 Air system lines.
11370 Гидронасос (основной насос)
16740 Adjustable steering wheel.
16741 Adjustable steering wheel.
18328 Steering column with fitting parts.
18330 Steering column with fitting parts.
18333 Valve body
20464 Steering unit
4510 Гидроцилиндр
58186 Гидронасос (основной насос)
97689 Рулевая система
20576 Protector plates and loaded weights
23628 Frame.
23631 Frame.
36639 Protecting plates.
39969 Equipment.
20473 Latch for mudguard.
20582 Engine hood
21977 Radiator casing
36640 Front and rear mudguards
36641 Mudguards with valance edge guards.
101119 Glass panes and interior components
10250 Rear view mirror.
43345 Vent pane.
4514 Lock and handle
20475 Seat.
3366 Operator's seat
36642 Insulating matting
36643 Operator seat with fitting parts
43346 Driver's seat.
20478 Fan
20480 Air compressor with fitting parts.
20482 Evaporator and mountings.
20589 Controls.
20594 Controls.
22977 Auxiliary fresh air outlet.
22984 Air conditioning.
22995 Air-conditioning: evaporator and mountings.
37220 Reservoir with fitting parts.
47895 Air compressor
50503 Air.conditioning: condenser and mountings.
52260 Air ducts.
52261 Air ducts.
74254 Radiator with assembly p.
83272 Heating system: hoses
83822 Radiator with assembly p.
1258 Lgf-sign.
47041 Инструменты для ремонта
65956 Sign plates and decals
65957 Sign plates and decals
65958 Sign plates and decals.
10022 Vane pump.
10023 Vane pump.
10027 Valves
10029 4:th function.
10039 Magnet valve
10040 Pressure limiting valve
100618 4:th function.
102736 Hydraulic oil outlet, rear.
1203 Anchorage for controls.
1259 Hydraulic valve.
16546 Гидронасос (основной насос)
16547 Hydraulic valve
16550 Flow meter.
18352 Single-acting lifting function.
20488 Гидробак
20598 Control cylinder.
23146 Automatic hose coupling (ahc).
23727 Automatic hose coupling (ahc).
23728 Hydraulic oil-cooler.
28146 Filter insert
28395 Repair kits
37221 Rebuild of hydraulic valve
37222 Flow governor.
37223 Flow meter.
43650 Hydraulic system, front.
44578 Hydraulic system, rear, 5:th, 6:th function.
46265 Pressure limiting valve.
47645 Гидроцилиндр (цилиндр) подъемный
47646 Hydraulic cylinder, tilt
5073 Гидроцилиндр (цилиндр) подъемный
59055 Hydraulic cylinder, tilt
59735 Гидронасос (основной насос)
623 Valves
627 Automatic hose coupling, loader unit (ahc).
640 Controls 5:th, 6:th hydr.function.
67795 Controls for differential lock.
71988 Hydraulic system, rear, 5:th, 6:th function.
91666 Attachment locking.
92704 Hydraulic system, front.
92764 Controls.
93263 4:th function.
93846 Hydraulic valve
94155 Hydraulic system, rear, 5:th, 6:th function
96582 Hydraulic system, front, 5:th, 6:th function.
97017 4:th function.
97708 Hydraulic system, rear, 5:th, 6:th function.
97794 Гидронасос (основной насос)
97840 Hydraulic system, front, 5:th, 6:th function.
98354 Hydraulic system, rear
98564 Oil filter with pipe.
98692 Hydraulic system, front.
99004 Controls