Запчасти для самосвала cочлененного модели A35C SER NO 4621-, SER NO USA 60001-, Volvo Construction Equipment
На этой странице представлен выбор узлов (подсистем) для самосвала cочлененного модели A35C SER NO 4621-, SER NO USA 60001- которые можно увидеть в левой колонке.
Тип:Cамосвал cочлененный
Выберите из раскрывающегося списка
систем необходимую подсистему.
Список подсистем:
104658 Fuel injection pump, Oil pipes and vacuum hose
31691 Fuel injection pump with fitting parts
58902 Centrifugal governor
60968 Smoke limiter, forward
88991 Насос
20805 Фильтр воздушный
24121 Фильтр воздушный
58799 Inlet system, air cleaner
77767 Oil bath air filter
88816 Фильтр воздушный
31694 Coolant filter
81593 Coolant filter
84333 Radiator mounting
89826 Бак (бачок) расширительный и трубки
90309 Cooling system. Radiator and charge air cooler.
16295 Водяной насос
56590 Water pump and thermostat housing
60971 Water pump and thermostat housing
69808 Coolant pipe, cylinder head
26799 Cable harnesses, cab
26800 Cable harnesses, cab
26801 Cable harnesses, cab
26802 Cable harnesses, cab
26804 Cable harnesses, cab
27235 Cable harnesses, cab
27247 Cable harnesses, front
27248 Cable harnesses, front
27249 Cable harnesses, front
27250 Cable harnesses, front
27252 Cable harnesses, rear
66889 Air conditioning
88236 Cable harnesses, front
90197 Cable harnesses, front
103456 Connectors
42252 Pin insulator
49140 Hose and manifold
53900 Cable terminal
56591 Палец
56592 Humidity-proof connections
64301 Insulator for spade terminal
82491 Housings for timers and tabs
83698 Spade terminal
85597 Wires
20390 Modulated valve
22043 Planet kit, stage 2
22044 Planet kit, stage 3
22045 Planet kit, stage 4
22048 Насос масляный
31957 Planet kit, stage 5
56609 Brakes, rear
56610 Система управления
56611 Main pressure valve
65656 Control system with fitting parts
81758 Clutch and brake
88936 Ретардер (тормоз-замедлитель) и муфта
92030 катрер трансмиссии
92289 Planet kit, stage 1
93253 Planetary gears and shafts
98706 Клапан ретардера (тормоза-замедлителя)
27257 Педаль ретардера (тормоза-замедлителя)
95427 Gear selector
97807 Pneumatic air system, transmission
99469 Control system, gear selector
25406 Axle shaft with differential
25664 Lower shaft and oil pump
44727 Upper shaft
44732 Intermediate shaft
58903 Transfer gear box
58904 Control for high and low gear
67674 Drop box with fitting parts
22053 Вал карданный
25668 Вал карданный
25669 Вал карданный
25670 Intermediate shaft
58905 Вал карданный
58906 Вал карданный
103457 Главная передача
25675 Planetary axle, axle 1 load unit
60488 Главная передача
90174 Hub reduction, axle 1 load unit
23296 Air valve
23679 Differential lock
23688 Pneumatic system, diff lock, cab
27629 Three-way valve
33274 Pneumatic system, 6x6 and diff lock, load unit
64302 Pneumatic system, diff lock, cab
64303 Pneumatic system, 6x6 and diff lock, load unit
100678 Масляный радиатор
40078 Heat exchanger. Drop box
83464 Масляный радиатор
86112 Масляный радиатор
90317 Heat exchanger
27639 Valve, circuit body and return valve
40084 Hydraulic brake system, motor unit
81932 Hydraulic brake system, motor unit
82377 Brake pipe with mounting parts. Motor unit
82450 Brake pipe with mounting parts. Load unit
87120 Масляный бак
92008 Hydraulic brake system, load unit
94759 Hydraulic brake system, cab
27649 Air compressor
40085 Anti-freeze reservoir
64304 Feed lines, wet tank and regulator
64305 Feed lines, wet tank and regulator
89882 Air-compressor with fitting parts
15167 Control valve with fitting parts
15168 Damping cylinder with fitting parts
23939 Гидроцилиндр
24570 Steering system, pipes and hoses
24572 Valve, circuit body and return valve
24573 Damping cylinder
24574 Клапан обратный
41256 Pressure sensor
41258 Hydraulic cylinder with fitting parts
44324 Steering unit
59015 Hydraulic pump with fitting parts
72100 Steering unit
82638 Steering system, pipes and hoses
92812 Check valve with fitting parts
24580 Upholstery and insulation, floor and roof
24581 Upholstery and insulation, cab side and climate unit
21242 Operator's seat
24583 Instructor's seat, USA
24584 Operator's seat
38301 Operator's seat
65921 Operator's seat, air suspensioned and heated
81876 Operator seat with fitting parts
82251 Instructor's seat
24587 Air compressor
33606 Air conditioning
41265 Compressor for cooling agent R134a with fitting parts
57787 Evaporator with fitting parts
81942 Condenser divice air-condition
29808 Фильтр масляный
54471 Tipping system, motor unit
54472 Hoist cylinder and hydraulic hoses
58908 Shut-off valve
82390 Гидробак
84772 Hydraulic oil tank, with fitting parts
91337 Hydraulic system, motor unit
24594 Tip valve with fitting parts
24595 Tip valve
24597 Shunt valve
62853 Valve section
78016 Tip control