Запчасти для погрузчика колесного модели L180D HIGH-LIFT, Volvo Construction Equipment
На этой странице представлен выбор узлов (подсистем) для погрузчика колесного модели L180D HIGH-LIFT которые можно увидеть в левой колонке.
Тип:Погрузчик колесный
Выберите из раскрывающегося списка
систем необходимую подсистему.
Список подсистем:
40544 Fuel pipes, injection pump - fuel filter - injector
91310 Fuel pipes, fuel tank - injection pump
11420 Pump drive
49729 Fuel system, oil pipe, pipe for smoke limiter
59384 Fuel injection pump with fitting parts
59385 Smoke limiter
69881 Centrifugal governor
86554 Насос
23654 Фильтр воздушный
83789 Air filter with fitting parts
84150 Air filter.
88109 Oil-bath precleaner.
91301 Air filter.
23658 Гидромотор
23659 Клапан регулирующий (распределительный)
23660 Belt transmission
59250 Вентилятор и кожух
77725 Fan drive
18050 Alternator
18129 Brushless alternator, 50A.
42071 Alternator with fitting parts, 100A.
49537 Alternator with assembling details
73998 Alternator.
89872 Alternator with fitting parts, 50A.
104087 Cable harnesses, cab
22906 Cable harnesses, cab
22907 Cable harnesses, cab
40551 Cable harness, front
49538 Battery cable and main switch
56640 Cable harness, central lubrication.
56641 Cable harness, boom suspension system.
59389 Cable harness, front
59390 Cable harnesses, cab
59391 Cable harness, ceiling
59392 Cable harnesses, control panel
61959 Cable harness, panel
61961 Cable harness, CDC - steering.
61964 Cable harnesses, rear
61966 Cable harness, secondary steering system.
61968 Cable harnesses, alternator 100A.
61969 Cable harness, compressor.
61970 Cable harness, air conditioning. Cab.
61971 Cable harness, boom suspension system.
67031 Cable harness, air-suspensioned seat.
67032 Electrical equipment, air conditioning.
67033 Cable harness, armrest
82667 Cable harness, front
85790 Cable harnesses, rear
87112 Cable harness, transmission
61973 Electrical distribution unit and cable harness
67034 Electrical distribution box
67035 Circuit board
104089 Connectors
45896 Pin insulator
47274 Палец
47275 Humidity-proof connections
49395 Hose and manifold
57098 Cable terminal
64320 Insulator for spade terminal
85889 Wires
86255 Spade terminal
88225 Housings for timers and tabs
20876 Hydraulic clutch, 3rd / 4th speed
20877 Насос
24078 Hydraulic clutch, forward / 1 st speed
24079 Hydraulic clutch, reverse / 2nd speed
24081 Pressure limiting valve
24082 Gear changing unit
31547 Converter housing with fitting parts
36066 Lubricating oil valve
46971 Converter housing, gears and shafts
74163 Ventilation for transmission
84238 Oilfiller
97756 Oil filter and testing block.
20883 Planet axles with fitting parts
24089 Lubricant lines for planet shaft.
83998 Venting, planet shafts
27173 Brake hoses, tank - pump - footbrake valve
45302 Brake hoses, parking brake
78718 Трубки тормозные, педальные клапаны тормоза переднего и заднего моста
98442 Footbrake valve with connectors
105042 Controlpump, 60CC
24361 Hydraulic cylinder with fitting parts
24364 Fan pump, 28CC
27184 Shift valve with fitting parts
33075 Steering unit
44080 Valve body
49412 Гидроцилиндр
66223 Рулевая система
75574 Shift valve
78310 Shift valve
355 Protection, brake pipes
40553 Protecting plates
40554 Radiator, kylare.
5010 Protection for lighting.
66319 Protecting plates.
42228 Instructor's seat
54438 Operator's seat, ISRI.
57291 Operator's seat, heated, air suspensioned, ISRI.
60521 Operator's seat, ISRI.
82092 Operator seat with fitting parts
15992 Air distribution
15993 Fresh air inlet, filter and fan housing
30027 Fan
42231 Air filter.
5016 Air ducts
15996 Air conditioning.
15997 Compressor for cooling agent R134a with fitting parts.
16001 Compressor.
42232 Assembly of hose: evaparator, receiver drier and condenser.
45307 Condenser for cooling agent R134a with fitting parts.
57796 Evaporator for cooling agent R134a with fitting parts.
16003 Interior components
27190 Lunch box holder
42233 Interior components, sun blinds.
42235 Armrest
45314 CDC - steering, sheet metal parts.
67038 Arm rest.
16007 Decals
16008 LGF - sign.
44350 Illustrations of sign plates and decals
5019 Sign plates and decals
36718 Hydraulic system, return line
68041 Hydraulic fluid filter
83796 Гидробак
88760 Радиатор масляной для гидравлики
90870 Hydraulic system, suction line
92630 Hydraulic system, feed line
100329 Rotator.
15452 Operating valve.
15453 Гидроцилиндр (цилиндр) подъемный
15455 Swivel.
16710 Гидроцилиндр
45549 Гидроцилиндр (цилиндр) подъемный
45550 Hydraulic cylinder, tilting
59251 Hydraulic cylinder with clutch body.
61812 Hydraulic cylinder, tilting
61813 Rotator with cylinders and hoses.
61976 Timber handling tool
62854 Клапан регулирующий (распределительный)
62855 Клапан обратный
67402 Hydraulic cylinder with hose assembly, lift function
68249 Hydraulic cylinder with hose assembly, tilt function
68930 Control valve with connections
795 Cylinder protection.
80265 Hydraulic motor.
86544 Tubes for grapple
87913 Protection and hose assembly, high lift unit
42236 Central lubrication for grappe.
70383 Distribution block, B2.
70384 Distribution block, B1.
70385 Distribution block, B3.
70386 Distribution block, B4.
70387 Distribution block, B5.
70388 Distribution block, B6.
70389 Distribution block, B7.
70390 Log pusher
70391 Grab arm, inner.
85204 Central lubrication