Запчасти для погрузчика колесного модели L350F, Volvo Construction Equipment
На этой странице представлен выбор узлов (подсистем) для погрузчика колесного модели L350F которые можно увидеть в левой колонке.
Тип:Погрузчик колесный
Выберите из раскрывающегося списка
систем необходимую подсистему.
Список подсистем:
48502 Fuel tank with fitting parts
48503 Fast-fill system
48504 Топливный бак (бензобак)
70448 Fuel tank with fitting parts
48509 Air filter with fitting parts
48510 Фильтр воздушный
48511 Air filter.
90805 Oil bath air filter with fitting parts.
48513 Radiator with fitting parts
48514 Радиатор
70947 Expansion tank with fitting parts
72446 Expansion tank with fitting parts
77641 Система охлаждения
81390 Coolant drainage
83856 Система охлаждения
104965 Reversible fan
105290 Reversible fan
31947 Reversible fan
31960 Belt transmission, pulley
48517 Fan and installation components
48518 Гидромотор
48519 Belt transmission
57822 Reversible fan
104977 Back-up warning light, strobe light
49195 Back-up warning unit
49196 Revolving warning light.
49197 Rotating beacon.
101824 Cable harness for CDC-steering in cab
102226 Cable harness, electrical distribution unit
102399 Cable harness, electrical distribution unit
103604 Cable harness, under cab
106764 Cable harness for CDC-steering in cab
16890 Cable harness, strobe light
22630 Cable harness, rear
23048 Cable harness, climate unit
31964 Cable harness, engine, Ecu
45934 Cable harness for transmission
45937 Cable harness, front
45941 Cable harnesses, cab
45951 Cable harness for central lubrication
45954 Cable harness reversible fan
45956 Cable harnesses, telematics
49203 Battery cable and main switch
58372 Cable harness, heating fuel filter
59336 Cable harness, alternator
70861 Cable harness, engine, Ecu
82410 Cable harness, front
82703 Cable harness, ceiling
84480 Cable harness, two-lever el.hydraulic servo
85539 Cable harness, three-lever el.hydraulic servo
88168 Rear cable harness with assembly parts
88189 Attachment locking.
88194 Cable harness, circulation pump
88201 Cable harness, ceiling with radio
88228 Cable harness, alternator
89822 Cable harness, ceiling with radio
98011 Cable harness, secondary steering system.
102478 Rocker switch panel
104382 Instrument panel
58373 Boom suspension system.
68648 Air cond. control panel
1303 Power transmission with fitting parts
1304 Transmission, drive flange input and output shafts
1306 Клапан регулирующий (распределительный)
45962 Transmission: Oil filter, oil lines
73372 Transmission, refill and drain
82724 1st gear and 3rd gear disc clutches
82732 Torque converter housing
82843 Clutch body
84826 Oil filler, level inspection glass
89464 Converter housing, gears and shafts
90035 2nd gear and 4th gear disc clutches
94253 Disc clutches for forward and reverse
38319 Differential housing
45966 Planetary axle, front
59847 Главная передача
86359 Ступица колеса
96321 Главная передача
38598 Differential housing
43701 Planetary axle, rear
60093 Главная передача
86348 Ступица колеса
95889 Главная передача
45865 Brake lines, foot brake valve - accumulators
45866 Brake lines, footbrake valve - axles
85157 Трубки тормозные переднего и заднего моста
102395 Система охлаждения для тормозов (тормозная): обратная линия
104289 Brake cooling system: front lines
105956 Система охлаждения для тормозов (тормозная)
103602 Steering column with fitting parts
59553 Steering column with fitting parts
65047 Steering wheel and column
101127 Рулевая система
101822 Steering system: shift valve - cdc valve - tank
102314 Клапан
104326 Steering system: priority valve - connecting block - shift valve
105896 Steering system: cdc valve - orbitrol - connecting block
45868 Hydraulic cylinder with fitting parts
45869 Гидроцилиндр
52953 Steering system: hoses, shift valve - steering cylinder.
62458 Valves with Fitting Parts
79977 Valves with Fitting Parts
45884 Protecting plate
45885 Protection for lighting.
45886 Protection for lighting.
45888 Protecting plate
84434 Radiator, kylare.
46284 Operator's seat, heated, air suspensioned.
64220 Operator seat with fitting parts
84044 Operator seat with fitting parts
46559 Windshild guard for windshield.
57421 Windshild guard for windshield.
96124 Window guards, side and rear windows.
103605 Air filter.
41181 Air ducts
43830 Air ducts
46560 Air distribution
50988 Air ducts
68538 Air filter.
97069 Fresh air inlet, air filter and fan housing.
99961 Fresh air inlet, air filter and fan housing.
91614 Assembly of hose: evaparator, receiver drier and condenser.
96986 Evaporator for cooling agent R134a with fitting parts.
105933 Foldable armrest for three-lever el.hydraulic servo system
106451 Interior equipment, cab
106755 CDC - steering, arm rest with fitting parts
44509 Lunch box holder
44510 Anti-theft
47877 Interior components, sun blinds.
95526 Foldable armrest for two-lever el.hydraulic servo system
96507 CDC - steering, foldable arm rest
96830 Release mechanism
102872 Load-sensing and leakage lines
1308 Hydraulic system, return line
46887 Suction line tank - pump
57823 Tilt function
59178 Гидробак
60897 Load-sensing and leakage lines
74511 Hydraulic oil tank, with fitting parts
89206 Lift function
93406 Load-sensing and leakage lines
94089 Hydraulic system, feed line
41873 Control valve with fitting parts.
41876 Valve body with assembly parts
62694 Valve body, central block
80925 Клапан регулирующий (распределительный)
93662 Клапан регулирующий (распределительный)
62695 Hydraulic pump with fitting parts
97164 Гидронасос (основной насос)
98531 Гидронасос (основной насос)
45536 Extra hydraulic equipment 3rd hydraulic control.
45541 Hydraulic system, attachment bracket.
46185 Клапан
57824 Pressure lines, 3rd function
57825 Boom suspension system
93094 Relief valve.
103387 Bucket positioner and boom kickout, tilting
103693 Links with fitting parts
20635 Гидроцилиндр подъемный и толкающий с запасными частями
24339 Гидроцилиндр (цилиндр) подъемный
3282 Lifting framework with assembly parts
3291 Assemble attachment bracket.
46195 Hydraulic cylinder, tilting
96738 Bucket positioner and boom kickout, lifting
3283 Central lubrication with fitting parts. B2
3288 Central lubrication with fitting parts. B3
34160 Distribution block, B2.
46196 Distribution block, B1
46199 Central lubrication with fitting parts. B2
46202 Distribution block, B3
46204 Pump:central lubrication
58569 Extended lube points for lift arm system
58570 Extended lube points for lift arm system