Запчасти для экскаватора модели EC280 SER NO 1001-, Volvo Construction Equipment
На этой странице представлен выбор узлов (подсистем) для экскаватора модели EC280 SER NO 1001- которые можно увидеть в левой колонке.
Выберите из раскрывающегося списка
систем необходимую подсистему.
Список подсистем:
30936 Fuel pipes-injector
41762 Fuel pipes, fuel injection pump - fuel filter
88913 Fuel pipe - Fuel tank
19994 Насос
19996 Drive for injection pump
21577 Lubricating pipe, fuel injection pump.
61589 Smoke limiter
68510 Centrifugal governor
86555 Насос
27935 Inlet manifold
53519 Exhaust manifold and installation components
82604 Система впуска
89305 Выхлопная система
17776 Coolant filter
42290 Radiator with fitting parts
84117 Радиатор
84429 Expansion tank with fitting parts
17782 Waterpump, assembly
23493 Водяной насос
37104 Water pump and thermostat housing
38765 Water pump, intercooler
17784 Belt transmission
17785 Automatic belt tensioner with fitting parts
38603 Fan and installation components
20525 Electric installation in cab floor
33324 Cables, battery
41776 Cables, cold starter
82705 Cable harnesses, cab
83981 Cable harness, side panel, left
85184 Cable harness, side panel, right
88199 Cable harnesses, Diesel engine
89468 Cable harnesses, Hydraulic system
90091 Cable harnesses, load weight
104824 Engine control panel, Lh
19814 Instrument panel, Rh
61590 Level guards, sensor and relays
62159 Control panel, Rh
104826 Planetary gear, travel
27144 Planetary gear, travel
27145 Swing gearbox
41641 Pump gear box with assemblying parts
71899 Swing gearbox with fitting parts
16870 Front idler, spring package
19864 Crawler track, Prod 14301016
19865 Crawler track, Prod 14301056
19869 Bottom roller
21187 Гусеничная цепь
67215 Track equipment
100827 Крышка двигателя верхняя
19885 Grille, cover plates.
21188 Support, cover plates, grille, hatches, doors and ladder.
33328 Hatches under engine, hydr.pumps, cooler, m.valve and fuel tank.
47878 Hatch over main valve assembly
81682 Door, engine, right
82164 Support, partition wall.
85135 Door, centre, right
86733 Casing, front, right
88791 Door, engine, left
91282 Door, front Lh
15219 Entire windscreen
21193 Windows
21194 Sliding window
48015 Front window
48016 Front window, Lifting device
66714 Window lifts
31841 Operator seat. Be-ge
61591 Driver's seat,air suspen.be-ge
87870 Operator seat with fitting parts
15222 Refrigerating unit (ac), engine compartment
25375 Air compressor
66715 Air-compressor with fitting parts
6862 Evaporator with fitting parts, cooling agent R134a
88273 Condenser with fitting parts
13349 Protection over drivers cab, elevation kit 605 mm
25380 Grille over roof Window
33330 Sun visor, outer
39219 Jalusi, rear window fitting parts
66716 Windscreen protection on protection over cab
81945 Jalusi, rear window
84383 Windscreen protection
89346 Ladder with cage
20552 Decor stripes, outer location
25385 Sign plates and transfer,outer location
25386 Decor stripes, outer location on cab
9348 Sign plates and transfer,inner location
13352 Hydraulic system, feed line
13353 Hydraulic system, return lines
13354 Hydraulic system, boom
20553 Leak oil filter
20554 Hydraulic system suction lines
20556 Hydraulic system, dipperarm
20557 Hydraulic system, bucket
49903 Tubes,assembly, boom
62494 Cylinder hydraulics, backhoe boom
62495 Cylinder hydraulics, bucket
67794 Hydraulic system, fuel pump
88157 Гидробак
101048 Connection valve
104995 Hose rupture valve, boom cylinder
11788 Main valve assembly, tubes connections
11791 Pressure limiting valve, main valve
12046 Working hydraulics
12047 Control block
12048 Shuttle valve, hammer
12055 Shut-off cock, hammer / shears
13355 Main valve assembly, dipper arm, track Rh, option
21923 Valve,crawlerbrake
21924 valve body, valves
21926 Working hydraulics
62496 Hose rupture valve, dipper arm cylinder
66717 Main valve assembly, boom, track Lh, bucket
7938 inhibitor valve
100223 Pump installation
12058 Pump control
7355 Гидронасос (основной насос)
7356 Гидронасос (основной насос)
12059 Servo pump with assembly parts
12078 Servo hydraulics, boom
12079 Servo hydraulics, dipper arm
12081 Servo hydraulics, bucket
12082 Servo hydraulics, Slewing
12086 Servohydraulik, travel
12087 Servo hydraulics, Hose break valve
12090 Mounting plate solenoid valve
12094 Servo hydraulics, Hose break valve
12095 Servo hydraulics, servo hydr. 2 pumps
49905 Servo hydraulics, hammer hydr. on base machine
66718 Servo valve body
7359 Control valve block
83901 Control pressure valve
86339 Servo hydraulics, Hose break valve
104023 Hydr. quick fit equipm. on dipper arm
12096 Hydraulic system, leak-off line boom
12097 Hydr. quick fit equipm. on super structure
12295 Slope bucket/rotating grab hydraulics in base machine
12296 Slope bucket and grab equipment
26720 Hammer hydraulics on boom
26721 Slope bucket and grab equipment
2844 Hammer hydraulics on dipper arm
49906 Hammer hydraulics on base machine
89195 Hammer hydraulics on base machine, 2 pumps
95069 Hydr. quick fit equipm. on mono boom